Hang-Over Solution Drip

Party enthusiasts should know this Hack!!.

One of `secret weapon` so that your party doesn't skip important activities the next day is iv infusion. Unfortunately, we have to spend the day after the party feeling dizzy, hungover, and not energized because of last night's party, The Drips offers you an iv infusion menu with 1000 ml of electrolytes and vitamins that can make you fit instantly, relieve dizziness and nausea. We will also provide some medical treatment for your eroded stomach during your party last night.

party logo

Don't miss your next beautiful day trip just because of the rest of your last night's party, let we handle that.

Drip Contains of:

1000 ml Electrolytes IV Hydration

IV Pain Killer to relieve headache

IV Anti-Vomiting to relieve nausea

IV Stomach Protector

IV Antioxidant Injection

IV Vitamin B Complex Drip

Nasal Oxygen Treatment (30 Min)